Embracing Spiritualogic as a Pathway to Transformation & Healing

Today, I am thrilled to share insights from the latest episode of Spiritual Logic Wisdom Talks. The concept of "Spiritualogic" might seem paradoxical at first, but it is simply a way of applying logical reasoning to understand life and our experiences, without the constraints of dogmas. With this approach, we strive to make sense of our mind and life in a transformative way.

⚡Listening for Transformation

One of the core principles I advocate is the manner of listening. Rather than listening to agree or disagree, which is our default mode in social contexts, I encourage you to listen as you would to soothing, transformative music. Let the words move you, evoke a shift, and foster change. This transformative listening opens doors to actual experience shifts, free from pre-conceived judgments.

⚡The Brain’s Sorting Mechanism

Our brain is a powerful sorting machine, constantly picking up on cues relevant to our current focus. To make the most of spiritual teachings, it's beneficial to ask yourself why you are listening. This intention helps your brain filter and absorb the relevant information that aligns with your present needs.

⚡The Role of Curiosity and Dopamine

Curiosity is a powerful trait. Neuroscience shows that being curious releases dopamine in the brain, creating a feel-good effect and motivating further exploration. This inner state acknowledges that we don't know everything and opens the door for new learning and transformation.

⚡Understanding Stress and the Vagus and Phrenic Nerves

Chronic stress can damage the vagus nerve, crucial for calming our system. When the vagus nerve is impaired, the body fails to receive the necessary signals to calm down, leading to increased stress, panic attacks, and fatigue. Women during menopause particularly experience this, resulting in heightened panic attacks due to reduced function of the vagus nerve.

⚡Breathing Techniques for Activating Nerves

One powerful practice involves breathing techniques that activate the phrenic and vagus nerves. The double sigh breathing method triggers the phrenic nerve, quickly signaling the brain to calm down. Simply take a deep breath, add another on top, and exhale slowly. Repeat this four times to foster harmony within your system. Additionally, dropping your jaw and relaxing the back of your tongue further stimulate the vagus nerve, promoting relaxation.

⚡The Interplay of Biology, Psychology, and Social Systems

Understanding ourselves as complex bio-psycho-social systems is essential. Our biological state, psychological mindset, and social surroundings influence our experiences. Adopting a conscious approach to life—listening to our body’s signals and acting in harmony with our inner state—leads to a more fulfilling existence, free from rigid rules and dogmas.

⚡Courage, Fear, and Building Competence

Fear manifests in numerous ways, including fight, flight, freeze, avoidance, and submission. Overcoming fear involves identifying strong values that drive us to act courageously. Optimism, the higher mind function, sees good outcomes resulting from our actions, while pessimism fosters negative expectations.

Building competence is key to overcoming fear and developing confidence. Competence allows you to handle situations effectively, naturally leading to confidence. The focus should always be on building skills and understanding rather than faking confidence, which can be detrimental.

⚡The Myth of Psychological Trauma

The narrative we build around experiences shapes our perception of trauma. Shifting the story from one of victimhood to one of strength and growth fosters post-traumatic growth. By changing our internal representation of events, we can overcome perceived traumas and lead more empowered lives.


In conclusion, approaching life with spiritual logic, a heightened sense of curiosity, and mindfulness can transform our experiences. By understanding and aligning our biology, psychology, and social systems, and by fostering competence and positive narratives, we can overcome fear and trauma. Embracing these principles leads to a more fulfilling and empowered life.

You can listen to the full episode of this talk here for deeper insights.

Thank you for joining me in this exploration of spiritual logic and transformation. Until next time, may you listen to life as you would a symphony, allowing it to transform and enlighten you.


Discovering the Essence of Spiritualogic : Practical Wisdom for Modern Living


Embracing Practical Wisdom : Insights from Spiritulogic Talks