Embracing Practical Wisdom : Insights from Spiritulogic Talks

Welcome to Spiritualogic Wisdom Talks, a platform where spirituality meets logic to provide practical wisdom for living a fulfilling life. Spiritualogic is a unique blend of philosophy that I created, inspired by the need to understand how things work rather than just believing in them. This talk is free from dogmatic beliefs and is grounded in practical wisdom. The following insights aim to encourage exploration, experimentation, and the adoption of a beginner's mindset.

⚡Adopting a Beginner's Mindset

For this one-hour session, I encourage you to adopt a beginner’s mindset. Imagine trying on a new set of glasses—let go of your old perspectives for a short period and see what new experiences arise. This approach helps in making an unbiased assessment. Listen not with the intention of understanding intellectually, but with the intention to transform. Transformation is an embodied process, and it requires an openness to change.

⚡The Power of Embodiment

We often listen to gain information rather than to experience transformation. Intellectual understanding is different from embodied experience. To truly change, one must connect to the felt sense of an idea. For example, the difference between those who make the law of attraction work for them and those who don’t lies in the embodiment of their ideas. By connecting a thought to a felt sense in the body, you foster a feeling of certainty and make your ideas come alive. This is how magic happens—breathing life into ideas until they become certainties.

⚡Understanding the Chimpanzee Paradox

A key concept we’ll discuss is from *The Chimpanzee Paradox*. This book highlights the dual nature of the mind: the human mind (creative and rational) and the animal mind (instinctual and driven by survival). The human mind thrives on creation and creativity, evident in our numerous inventions and innovations. In contrast, the animal mind is driven by basic survival instincts, responding to the environment without conflict.

The chimpanzee, representing our animal mind, is significantly stronger than our human mind. Thus, brute strength won't tame it; instead, we need to outsmart it. Recognizing this duality is essential for self-awareness and personal growth.

⚡Building a Relationship with Your Animal Mind

Acknowledging the animal mind within us is crucial. We often forget our primal instincts due to our civilized nature. The animal mind prioritizes safety and can often prevent us from taking necessary risks. Understanding its strength allows us to work with it rather than against it. Fear is a primary behavior of the animal mind, manifesting in various forms like fighting, fleeing, freezing, hiding, or submitting.

⚡The Role of Reflection and Vision

Our ability to reflect and have a vision for the future sets us apart from animals. This reflective capacity allows us to learn from our experiences and envision a better future. Fostering optimism and courage helps manage the fears generated by the animal mind, enabling us to pursue long-term goals and achieve self-actualization.

⚡The Importance of Stories and Self-Description

How you describe your life creates your reality. Your description of events, successes, and failures shapes your self-concept and influences your outcomes. Aim to tell empowering stories about yourself, focusing on strengths and victories rather than weaknesses and defeats. This positive storytelling fosters a sense of agency and optimism.

⚡Embracing Your True Self Beyond Concepts

Your true self goes beyond words and concepts. The journey isn't about finding a new 'I' but about shifting your relationship with the current 'I'. The search for the true self often stems from dissatisfaction with the present self. Acceptance and a wholesome view of oneself lead to genuine transformation.


As we wrap up, remember that embodiment is key—thoughts and emotions manifest physically in the body. Awareness of these manifestations and the stories you tell yourself is essential for personal growth. Describing your life in empowering terms can create a positive impact, fostering resilience and transformation. Embrace your creative mind, acknowledge your animal instincts, and strive for a balanced, fulfilling life.

Let’s continue this journey of practical wisdom, continuously learning, experimenting, and growing.


Are there any questions or thoughts you’d like to share? Feel free to start a conversation in the comments below!


If you would like to listen to the full episode of this Spiritualogic Wisdom Talk, then head over to the podcast here! Stay tuned for more insights and practical wisdom in our next session.


Embracing Spiritualogic as a Pathway to Transformation & Healing